The Guitar Club of CHONG HWA independent high school was founded by a group of students who are interested to guitars in year 1991. This year the club will celebrate its first 10 years anniversary. Under the supervision and guidance of our experienced instructor-MR. Lai, the club had successfully organized a few major performances. Besides providing advisory roles, our teachers had also given a lot of help in running the Guitar Club.
Basically, there are two distinct types of our guitars that is, the folk guitar and the classical guitar. The major difference between these two guitars is that the folk guitar uses steel strings and is normally for strumming. One the other hand the classical guitar uses nylon strings and is normally for plucking. Both types of guitar have their own sound and feels. Ultimately it depends on the guitarist whether he prefers to play classical music or just to strum and sing along.
Due to the high numbers of students in the club, it is impossible for our instructor to teach its members playing classical music. Therefore all the members of the club are compelled to learn folk guitar that is easier to master and more interesting. The club will have its teaching activities on every Tuesday and Wednesday. There are two classes in the club, one for beginners and the other for advanced members.
For those who are interested in guitar playing, please do join the club on every Tuesday and Wednesday.